Water As A Resource

Concept Explanation

Water As A Resource

Water constitutes about 75% of the earth’s surface, and is present in oceans, rivers, Iakes, ponds, etc. It is also an important constituent of the atmosphere and living matter, there is water under the ground, and this is known as groundwater. The total body of water on the surface of the earth is called the hydrosphere. Water is a valuable natural resource. It is the most abundant substance on the earth it is an inexhaustible natural resource. Water is indispensable for life processes. We drink water, use water to cleanse ourselves, prepare food, grow crops, etc. Water is used in  many industrial processes. It has been estimated that the water reserve in the river systems of our country about 1,869 cubic kilometer whereas the groundwater reserve is about 432 cubic kilometer.

Sources of water 

Rain is one of the main source of fresh water. Some of the rain water that falls on the land surface may flow into rivers, streams or oceans. This is called runoff waterThe runoff water either flows into the rivers or get stored into the lakes to form a fresh water source.

Surface water  : After rainfall, water gets collected in the low- lying areas to form pond and lakes. In hilly regions, the runoff water falls from higher areas to form rivers that flows into valleys. The river further flow to seas or oceans. All these water sources from the surface water of the earth.

Underground water : During the summer season or in case of failure of rainfall, people depends on the water from underground sources for domestic and agricultural purposes.

Rain water get collected in the soil by seeping into the gravel and rocks at the bottom. The excess amount of water moves deeper into the ground and fills the spaces in the rocks. This is known as ground water. The level of ground water is known as water table.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following is a method for water preservation ?

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Most of the water on Earth exists as ___________ and _____________

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The water that is fit for use and very difficult to get is called __________________

Right Option : A
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